Not much to say

I guess it has been quite a taxing time for the past and the next few weeks. So far, let's see what have I left after clearing the test yesterday:

EU1101E - cleared tests and simulation
JS1101E - Project paper 90% done, due 13 April
FNA1002 - Project report 25% done, due 10 April, cleared test and presentation
HY2229 - cleared tests
HY2245 - Project simulation due 17 April, cleared essay and book review

Now, I have the last test of my semester yesterday. I must admit, I didn't really studied for the test (a bit too complacent) and I just read my lecture notes 2 hours before the test. As usual, I can only pray for God's grace and mercy to be upon me. I must say, the test turned out to be rather... interesting. If one were to enter LT11 in the midst of the test, you wouldn't be able to locate where I am, since I was covered in smoke, as a result of the smoke grenades that I keep throwing. But on a more serious note, despite the lack of preparations, I was really quite ready to answer the questions, and I must say, due to time management, I couldn't really have the time to bring across all my points for the questions. But overall, it was okay. Thank God for that. Hallelujah. If not for You, Lord... if not for You.

Okay, I just found out that my project simulation is on the 17 April, which means that I have to sacrifice 4 days of my reading week preparing for that simulation and it just so happens that Friday that week is my first paper which happens to be HY2245. I pray Farrell better know what he is doing. Playing as Cortez, my group really is in for a difficult time, since the charges being brought forward by the prosecution are a bit easy to counter on the whole, and man, I'm blessed with a team which is willing to do research for the project. Anyway, everything feels so effie, so blur. No one exactly know what is going on. But I think my class is much more better than the other which is doing the same thing as upon looking at their forum, I realised that they ae not exactly as professional as my prosecution, but then, what can I say? Each group has its own characteristics.

To end off.

I pray that you will receive Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour into your life. I have faith that you will, one day which is not far away. I have faith that He will reveal Himself to you like how He has revealed Himself to all of us. I have faith that you will come to know His goodness and love for us. All this I pray, in Jesus's name. Amen.


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