Freedom writer

Everyone has their own stories. Some may be sad, some may be depressing, some may be cheery, some may be happy. But beneath every story lies a search, a search for freedom, a search for an understanding soul. Beneath these little fragile hearts, lies a search for the greatest of all greatest stories. You may be the richest, you may be the most successful person, you may be the most forgotten person in your class, you may be the most bullied person in your school, you may be the only one in your clique without a handphone... no matter who you are, the heart inside, is ever searching for this freedom.

The greatest story, ever told to me, is not a search for freedom. At least for the main character of the story. This story told of a search for my freedom. This story told of a search for your freedom, if you are reading. This story is told to mankind of the search for his freedom. This story is in fact the story of freedom. This story... is the story of Jesus Christ.

I dun know about you, friend. If you are reading this, I am a Christ follower, and I believe in Jesus Christ. This story was first told to me, or rather I first read it in the form of a pictorial book in primary three. It was told to me in greater details when I was JC1 or 2, I forgot. It was further told to me when I first entered NUS. Eventually, when I received Christ, I still contain doubts about this story. Indeed, it was so unbelievable. It was in my head, 'what? you mean believe in Him and that's it? Believe in this story? Give me a break...' As I search for verification of the story, I didn't realise that I was searching for the verification of my own freedom. Indeed, after reading Lee Strobel's Case for Christ, I was convinced of the story. It's indeed the greatest story ever told. And till this day, I ground my faith in Christ, based on the validity of this story alone.

He died and suffered for us, it was the end of the first part of the story. He died and rose back to life three days later. It was the beginning of the second part of the story. Similarly, the first part of my own story has ended after He has suffered and died, as He paid for my sins. I was forgiven and set free from sin. This began the second part of my story, where I faithfully wait for the happily ever after with Him.

Friend, He is alive. The story has not ended yet. The reason why the story has not ended yet is because He loves us, and He dun want us to perish. He wants you to know Him, and begins the second part of your story with you. He wants you to walk with Him as He begins the second part of His story as well.

Beneath every story, there lies a search for freedom. He's there, to set you free. Amen.


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