Living as a student: Vision II

This is slight continuation to the post which I have written a few weeks back.

Basically an additional reason why vision is important as a student. You know, one of the most sensational things on earth is a vision from God, and most of the Old Testament prophets saw what they were saying before they actually said it. According to Phil Pringle, vision ignites fire in our spirit. It is imperative as a children of God to be able to see the road that God wants us to see. Let's put it this way, often we are the most aimless people on earth when we dun have a vision. As a Christian who happens to be a student in NUS, it is even more dangerous, as it will impede our capability to serve God at the student level. Being exposed to so many different philosophies and weird theories, it is necessary for God's people in school to constantly be on fire for Him.

Vision ignites the fire.


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