Jadi Seperti-Muu (Be like You)

Recently, I have been listening to an Indonesian worship band by the name of True Worshippers. And this song particularly touched my heart a lot that I kept on listening. Given that I know a bit of broken Bahasa Indonesian, I could catch some part of the lyrics and also searched online for a proper translation:

Bapa Kau setia (Father, You are faithful)
Takkan meninggalkan (You never forsake)
Dan kupercaya (And I trust)
Engkau milikku dan kumilik-Mu (You are mine, and I am Yours)

Kerinduanku (I desire to)
Tinggikan nama-Mu (Lift Your Name)
Kar’na kutahu (As I know)
Engkau dalamku dan kudalam-Mu (that You are in me, and I'm in You)

Ubah hatiku (Change my heart)
Seputih hati-Mu (To be as white as Your heart)
Setulus salib-Mu (As sincere as Your cross)
Kasih-Mu Tuhan (Your love, God)
Biar mataku (Let my eyes)
Seperti mata-Mu (Be like Your eyes)
Pancarkan kasih-Mu (Shine Your love)
Ku mau jadi seperti-Mu (I want to be like You)

This is an imperfect translation, as all translations would have lost some of its original beauty in the lyrics. As one of my friends who know Malay has said after I led a PnW session with another Indonesian song, those who know Malay/Indonesian would have been able to appreciate the song better. Yet, even with the imperfect translation, we catch a glimpse of the heart to want to be Christlike as we are touched by God's grace. 


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