Inspiration on the go

It was a really chop-chop decision.

Last night, while I was working out, I felt a prompting in my heart that I needed to do something over the long Puasa and NDP weekend. I have a long weekend that week from Thurs all the way to Sunday, and I have no class that following Monday, meaning that it was a good opportune time to go somewhere for a really short mission. Hence, I began asking around.

By God's divine guidance, it was settled by midnight. I booked my air ticket to visit a brother currently working and planting a church in one of the countries up north. The ticket was expensive by usual standard, but since it was prompted by God, I figured out that the price is not going to be too much of an issue as long I get the timing I need and am able to reach back Singapore by Monday midnight.

Moving forward, I think I will try to look out for such opportunities. It makes sense. God is blessing with the providence that allows all these to happen at the moment. In some sense, this may be a fulfillment of what I was thinking of doing two years back when I first came back from Japan from my first trip there.

Interesting journey. I wonder how God is going to lead me from hereon.


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